14th Annual City All Star Game at CCSF on 3/24

City All Stars and Coaches,

The Bay City Warriors will be hosting the 14th Annual City All Star Game on Friday March 24th at CCSF. The game will again be played in memory of Mike Gragnani, the former Lincoln coach who passed away in 2010. Per CIF rules the game is limited to Seniors only. The game is a great way for Seniors from the AAA, WCAL and BCL come together for a final game to celebrate their HS careers. The schedule will be as follows:

5:30 - CCSF gym opens
5:45 - Girl's 3 point contest
6:00 - Girls All Star Game
7:15 - Dunk Contest
7:30 - Boys All Star Game
8:45 - Boys 3-point contest

All the players we get a game reversible jersey which they can keep as a thank you for participating. We will charge admission to help cover our costs for the jerseys, refs, etc. Any excess profit goes to our 501c3 non-profit organization that supports youth basketball.

We have compiled rosters based on our knowledge but we may have missed some worthy players. Please let us know if you have a worthy player that we missed. Note that we are often short girl players so we may also include players from the PAL and other adjacent leagues. If you have additional girl nominees, please let us know.

If you have a player on the roster, please have them RSVP to me or get me their phone # so we can invite them directly. If you know someone on the roster please pass this along.

If you are a player on the roster, please RSVP to me directly at 415 418 4568 or coachrandal@yahoo.com

Thanks for your help!

Coach Randy Bessolo
Bay City Warriors
415 418 4568

Boys All Stars:

John Squire - SI
Krekar Karageuzian- SI
Aidan Gotch - SI
Niraj Dhaliwal - SI
Davis Wong - SI
Jerry Mixon - SHC
RL Miller - SHC
Michael Manfreda - SHC
Achilles Woodson - Riordan
Zac Jones - Riordan
Christian Wise - Riordan
Joey Kennedy - University
Luke Bradley - University
Matt Moore - University
Thomas Woeber - University
Siraj Sakir - Urban
Kyle Neece - Urban
Sterling Luddington-Simons - Stuart Hall
Brett Jasper - Stuart Hall
Peter Drew - Lick
Max Meyers - Lick
Jake McDonald - Lick
Justin Aquino - Lincoln
Jeremiah Aquino - Lincoln
Quentin Kennedy - Lincoln
Nikita Kartsev - Lincoln
Ben Liang - Galileo
DeMarco Kutz - Galileo
Alex Heger - Lowell
Troy Smith - Lowell
Sean Daly - Lowell
Teddy McCarty - Lowell
Kiejuan West - Marshall
Jhaunte Helton - Mission
Sean Coleman - Mission
Miles Hammons - Washington
Max Meier - Washington
Matt Santos - Washington
Skyler Lagaspi - Balboa
Noah Degroat - Balboa
Marshall Price - Academy
Tay-quan Lewis - Academy
Hugo Rutherford - Waldorf
Quinn Fishburne - Drew

Girls All Stars:

Leilani Blecha - SHC
Malea Scobie - SHC
Mia Franceshi - SHC
Jolene Lally-Stephens - Washington
Keira Shimamoto-Tong - Washington
Jordyn Owyoung - Washington
Rachael Lin - Lowell
Breanna Lew - Lowell
Rose Huang - Lowell
Audrey Lee - Lowell
Ayumi Wong - Lowell
Keira Wong - Lowell
Aaliyah Dias - Riordan
Mia Vaihola - Riordan
Aliyah Holmes - Riordan
Synise Byrd - Valley Christian
Serena Mezetta - Mills
Alli Dioli - Half Moon Bay
Keely Wright - San Marin
Lailiah Carey - San Marin
Jaclyn McDonough - St. Ignatius
Emmie Ennis - St. Ignatius
Brigette Mahoney - St. Ignatius
Grace Scwarz - St. Ignatius
Kailee Mahlstedt-Kamekona - Lick Wilmerding
Mikee Echon - Urban